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From Serenitymovie.com


Universal running Firefly/Serenity ads on AOL Instant Messenger

Monday 25 July 2005, by Webmaster

Dartie :

I’ve been reading a lot of people saying how little Firefly/Serenity seems to be promoted, so I thought y’all would like to know this. As I signed into AIM this morning and waited for it to load, I noticed the outline of a ship that looked something like Serenity. I didn’t think it would be her ’cause AIM tends to be the type to promote the day a show is airing or the week that the movie will be out. Well, what do ya know, I see "Watch the new trailer during Firefly on Sci-Fi" and then it cuts to a pic of Nathan with Firefly on Sci-fi and Serentiy coming out September 30. So, hey, Firefly and Serenity promotion all in one icon_smile.gif