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From Cityofangel.com


WIN 3-Day Gold Pass to Flashback Weekend

Friday 7 May 2004, by cally

WIN 3-Day Gold Pass to Flashback Weekend

The organizers of Flashback Weekend & CityofAngel.com would like to offer Angel fans a 3-day convention Pass for the upcoming Flashback Weekend Event, May 14-16th, 2004 in Chicago! The Gold Pass Package will include: FREE entry to the Convention (all 3-days), FREE entry to the KANE concert at the Pickwick Theatre in Park Ridge, and FREE Autographes of the VIP guests from David Boreanaz, Christian Kane, Stephanie Romanov, and Elizabeth Anne Allen.

Contest is now OPEN but closes Wednesday, May 12th at 8:00pm EST. The winner will be announced HERE directly after the airing of Angel at 10:00pm EST on Wednesday May 12th. The winner will be telephoned immediately to confirm their prize. More infomation on the Event can be found below in the Flashback News items. Event is held at the Holiday Inn O’Hare International.

Please Note: ONE Entry per person/ per household. This contest is open to all ages, persons below the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult (prize does not include guardian tickets), non-US residents also accepted. All travel expenses and accomodations are the sole responcibility of the winner.

Enter the Flashback Weekend Contest