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"Wesley" Comic Book - A new mini-series drawn by Stephen Mooney

Friday 28 November 2008, by Webmaster

Dublin Comic Con: Aftermath

Con was great; really enjoyed meeting everybody again and getting our fun on. Met amazing proper artists like Tommy Lee Edwards, jaysis can that guy draw. Spent most of the two days paneling, sketching and drawing with fellow IDW Micks Thompson and Nick Roche, and of course the legendary Declan ’Widescreen’ Shalvey. Met loads’ve people into Angel and the like, knocked out some decent sketches. Mostly of Hal Jordan for some reason, but I sure ain’t complaining. The lady fans like their Spike drawings but after the fiftieth-odd one they do start to take their toll... Speaking of sketches, if anybody who got one could scan it in and send it to me here at stephen@moondog.cc that’d be super, ta!

So I’ve started on my next book, an Angel mini-series for IDW. FINALLY I get to draw badass Wesley, my personal favourite.

Three issues, and then, who knows...