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Joss Whedon

Whedonverse in the 15 sci-fi characters who found success after dropping out of school

Wednesday 19 September 2012, by Webmaster

Pretty much everyone on Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy Summers spent the first few seasons of her TV show trying to balance her slaying duties with high school, but when she dropped out of college, it was for much more mundane reasons — to take care of her sister, Dawn, after their mother’s death. But Buffy wasn’t the only — or even the first — of the Scoobies to ditch college. Oz left during freshman year to get his lycanthropy under control, and Willow dropped out after Buffy to enter magical rehab. None of these characters pursued traditional career paths after college. Oz was probably the happiest of the three, choosing to withdraw from the world and pursue spiritual and family life in Tibet. Buffy held down various odd jobs — fast food clerk, high school guidance counselor, coffee shop waitress, bodyguard — but protecting the world is always job #1. And Willow…well, if the events of Fray are any indication, Willow may have turned out immensely powerful, but also evil and insane. Perhaps the most traditionally successful of the lot is Xander, who was never admitted to college (and therefore never dropped out), but proved quite adept at construction when not playing Watcher to the Slayerettes.

The Runaways

When your parents turn out to be supervillains out to destroy the world, running away from home might be the only rational action. For the teen and pre-teen members of the Runaways, that means cutting themselves off from their parents’ immense fortunes, living off the grid, and dropping out of school. Life is by no means easy for this crew of emancipated minors, but they function well enough as a super-team to defeat their parents’ apocalyptic plans and (mostly) survive their encounters with a number of supervillains. Superstrong mutant Molly Hayes did a quick stint at the San Francisco campus of the Xavier School, but after being kidnapped alongside Wolverine, she happily returns to her fellow autodidacts. Henry Pym does offer the team a bit of formal homeschooling by building them a robot tutor.

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