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William The Poet - Angel Season 5 Opinions

Sunday 9 November 2003, by Webmaster

Hi all,

Sorry to disappear so abruptly, but I was locked in a box with no way to get out for months and months. All the time, I had the most amazing dreams. Talk about being in water over your head! Every day seemed like deja vu all over again — and it just never got any better.

Truly . . . one of the worst situations I ever found myself in.

But I’m free now, but feeling kinda lost. That could turn out to be a very, very good thing though. I certainly hope so. This year, I’ve gone from feeling Fantastic to . . . (hmm. what rhymes with "Ditty?")

Deja vu all over again.

Well, the truth of the matter is that the water that I landed in was very, very hot. Got caught using an office computer to look over some of the letters and notes I was working on Way Back When.


Boss mad.

Boss *really* mad.

Boss turn green and . . . oops, wrong story.

As a wise man once said, "That which does not destroy us makes us stronger."

Richer, too.

(I hope.)

Well, enough about me. How do all of you like the events on AtS this year?

(Wait for rabid flame war to die down a bit.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait . . .


Wait too long, and things will just heat up again.)

Hey! Spike said "sans-shoes" on the show! (Somebody has an evil sense of humor. Look for a couple more coming up.)

Okay, let’s play a game of 20 questions then.

(Well, not really 20. And maybe not all questions. But by the Numbers . . . since it seems to be a favorite theme.)

( (And no . . . that *doesn’t* mean that all of the questions below have some super-secret number significance. That would be just . . . silly.))

1. How many of the things that never played out in the final season of BtVS do you think are going to show up on AtS this season and next? (After all . . . they already paid for them. *gr*)

2. Hey . . . wouldn’t it be funny if when Buffy comes back, it has about the same effect as when Spike got his soul? Twisted.

3. Hope.

4. Hope-less.

5. Less.

6. (Wonder what *that* meant? Progression? Regression? Seasonal arc? Maybe more?)

7. You know when you’ve got a song running through your head, and you just *can’t* get it out? Man! Kung Fu Fighting just *won’t* go away! (Evil inside joke. Cheesy evil robots. "Danger, Wes . . . " Oh, never mind.)

8. To digress . . . gee, I miss that oldie but goodie Forever Knight. Anytime I get a chance to catch one of the old episodes, I just feel like my Cup runneth over . . . (Then again, there are some things that ya just otter not do, guv’ner. And then again, should’t there be an anteclimax before the climax — not an anticlimax?)

9. Isn’t it amazing how the one thing that has stayed constant about Wesley over the years is that when he’s positive about something, he’s usually wrong.

10. The Father shall kill the Son. (Hmm. Wonder where that came from? Wonder what it means? Wonder when it’s going to come up again? Wonder if it might be pivotal later on?)

11. As usual, a couple of *really* important points about the latest "filler" episode were missed. (Have you noticed that the "filler" often contains kibbles and bits that will be crucial later on? No? You should.)

12. Hey — remember when I said that last season on AtS was going to show Angel losing nearly everything in his (un)life that was important to him? I meant it, didn’t I? And the good times just keep on rolling . . . (Now what did I mean by that — had to make it a question, didn’t I? All Jeopardy . . . and I’m a Danger kinda guy.)

13. Nekkid Fred.

(No clue there. Just *had* to say it. Sock it to ’em. Or not. Someone on the set has an evil sense of humor.)

14. Don’t guys bond in strange ways? Buddy movie, anyone?

15. Then again, so do gals. Chick flick comin’?

16. Think it’s all over? This early in the season? Do . . . tell . . .

17. What happens when a blue sort of fairy offers to turn fairy tales into reality? (No . . . *that* doesn’t grow). But the moral is to never judge someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shan- shoes . . .

18. One of my favorite BtVS eps of all time was that wacky one where Buffy was in a mental institution. Loved the way that one ended. Wouldn’t it be fun if they did something like that on AtS . . . *gr*

Okay, so there weren’t twenty of them. But if circumstances allow, I just might fill the rest in later. And you’re never going to believe some of the things that a little bird tells me are planned for later this year . . .

And just ’cause some of you might raise a glass to toast this little missive of mine . . . "Here’s blood in your eye!"
