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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Willow & Tara in Forbidden Love: five TV hook-ups that left fans fuming

Thursday 18 February 2010, by Webmaster

Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Sinking Ship: Joss Whedon kills off Tara and, to some fans, becomes a homophobe

Always a fan of the surprise deaths, Joss Whedon got his fair share of flak when he killed off Willow’s girlfriend Tara. But the real shock came when angry fans labeled their beloved Joss a homophobe. Although Willow and Tara had maintained a (mostly) happy relationship for two seasons, killing Tara and ending the ship was enough to get fans finger-pointing. Ironically, Whedon’s decision to give Willow a new girlfriend in Season 7 only increased the backlash.

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