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Win a signed Serenity Poster on Whedonsworld.com

Saturday 5 November 2005, by Webmaster

www.whedonsworld.com & www.browncoatevents.com have got together and are holding a fantastic Serenity competition. First prize is a Serenity poster signed by Joss Whedon, Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, Adam Baldwin, Summer Glau, Jewel Staite, Sean Maher & Morena Baccarin. Other prizes include Serenity comics signed by Joss Whedon, Serenity T-shirts and Serenity Magazines.

Full details at www.whedonsworld.com/serenitycomp.html

3 Forum messages

  • > Win a signed Serenity Poster on Whedonsworld.com

    5 November 2005 13:43, by Anonymous
    Huge, huge SPOILERS in those questions!!! So if you haven’t been able to see Serenity yet, stay away from that competition! The last entry date is November 30, so at least you have until then to see the movie and enter the contest.
  • > Win a signed Serenity Poster on Whedonsworld.com

    5 November 2005 15:59, by Anonymous
    I absolutely cannot answer the final question, unless they’re talking about the nickname Joss said in the SFX interview..?
  • > Win a signed Serenity Poster on Whedonsworld.com

    6 November 2005 16:13, by Ingrid Ormevik
    i want to win this poster, so I can give it to my aunt..!! She loves the show firefly, and have been looking forward to the movie a looooong time! I’d really love to give it to her for Christmas!! Love from ingrid