Joss WhedonWondercon 2006 : Dark Horse Comics Panel ReportMonday 13 February 2006, by Webmaster Confirmation came Saturday at Dark Horse’s WonderCon panel that Serenity and Buffy will both continue at the publisher, under Joss Whedon’s guidance. Though little other information was given, Dark Horse’s Dirk Wood confirmed that Whedon will be writing another Serenity comic, set within the continuity of Firefly. Likewise, Whedon will begin the long-rumored to be in the works Buffy continuation, or, in shorthand, “Season 8,” as the television series ended after seven series. Along with Wood, Marketing Manager, Lee Dawson and Arch Enemies creator Drew Melborne were at the panel. Dawson began the session, noting that 2006 marks Dark Horse’s 20th anniversary as a publisher, something they are very proud of. The anniversary is coinciding, Dawson went on, with a revamp in the Star Wars line of comics, including the launch of two new titles, Knights of the Old Republic and Rebellion, as well as Star Wars Legacy, set 100 years after the end of Return of the Jedi. Moving to another property for the publisher, Dawson reiterated the previous announcement of Tim Truman coming on to Conan as the writer, replacing Kurt Busiek. Dawson said that as Busiek did before him, Truman is looking to the original Robert E. Howard novels for inspiration, and will be remaining true to them. Conan projects with Mike Mignola and Eric (The Goon) Powell are also planned for later in the year. In regards to new titles and initiatives, Dawson said that the publisher will be kicking off an official horror manga line of titles later in the year, allowing Dark Horse to pull its existing horror manga, as well as bring in new horror manga. The launch titles for the line include: Octopus Girl, School Zone, Scary Bok, Xuan Video Side, and Museum of Terror. Turning the floor over to Melborne, Dawson asked the creator to explain his April debuting mini-series, Arch Enemies. In a nutshell, the high concept of Arch Enemies - a superhero and super-villain (Starfighter and Underlord) who are roommates in their secret identities. Yvel Guichet pencils, Joe Rubenstein inks. Look for more on Arch Enemies coming early this week on Newsarama. Other topics mentioned at the panel: