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World premiere of Browncoats: Redemption at Dragon*Con this Saturday

Saturday 4 September 2010, by Webmaster

Browncoats: Redemption

The Whedon Universe Track and Dragon*Con are proud to host the world premier screening of the highly anticipated feature film Browncoats: Redemption. A fan film for charity.

When: Saturday September 4th at 7 PM

Where: Westin Peachtree Ballroom

What is the film about?

BROWNCOATS: REDEMPTION takes place three months after the events on Miranda and we find Captain Laura Matthews and the crew of Redemption unintentionally thrown into a situation that some view as the potential catalyst for the second unified rise of the Independents against the Alliance, since Unification Day. The Alliance is looking for a scape goat for Miranda while those unhappy with the Alliance are looking for a rallying cry to take action. Through all this, a secret about Laura is exposed that shakes the very core of the crew, threatening to break it up, challenge the trust that she’s earned with the Browncoats, and undo all the efforts she has put into place to keep a sense of peace in her life since the first Unification War.

All proceeds from the film will benefit these five charities:

Equality Now

Kids Need to Read

Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation

The Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center

The Dyslexia Foundation