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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Writer John Rogers gives Buffy in one word

Thursday 26 June 2008, by Webmaster

In The Room #432: Also, "shame"

Rogers: — a game we used to play. Sum up a movie in one word.

Rieder: One word.

Rogers: The idea is, you’re trying to develop your writing compass. It helps you figure out the theme in your own work, so you can always make sure you’re on beam. When in doubt, you focus on that word. What’s the movie about?

Boylan: What if you get it wrong?

Rogers: You can’t get it wrong. It’s whatever you think the movie’s about. Sometimes the word you pick says more about you than the movie you’re discussing.

Rieder: Four Weddings and a Funeral.

Rogers: "Change."

Rieder: Huh. I see that. The English Patient.

Rogers: "Loss." Albert: Can you do it with TV shows? Maybe individual episodes.

Rogers: I don’t know, I’d say Buffy is "solitude."

Boylan: I would have said "loneliness."

Rogers: Better, actually.

Berg: What was the one word in your head for Catwoman?

Downey: "Mortgage."

Rogers: ...

Rogers: Nicely done.

Downey: Thank you.