Wednesday 22 June 2005, by sicklittlemonky :

Firstly, let me say, I’m a huge Buffy fan!!! Huge!!! So it gives me no pleasure to criticize a Buffy vehicle, but I must disagree with this review. Putting aside the fact that it looks like it was written by a 10 year old, this reviewer can’t have played many good video games because "Chaos Bleeds" is severly flawed in several ways. Firstly, you can very rarely save, which is what makes the game play so bloody long! Secondly, the rendering is terrible in several aspects, especially jumping. Thirdly, I have found that the buttons frequently don’t respond when you push them (although this could be a problem with my game or controller, to be fair). Fourth, the actual controls are not well planned and I find that getting items or using health is extremely inconvenient, especially during a fight. And fifth, the game itself feels a little sloppy in its layout. I have gotten stuck at least 3 times already and I’m only on the fifth level! It doesn’t have a clear path to follow, and there are frequently several different routes to try that lead to nowhere!! Plus, the puzzles you have to solve are rarely "puzzles" because they just require you find an item, which usually isn’t very hard. Overall, I’d say the game is amusing, if you’re a fan and want to play it because its Buffy, plus the locations look really good! But if you’re just looking for a good game to play, I’d suggest "Resident Evil 4" or "Eternal Darkness" before "Chaos Bleeds" any day!!

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