Wednesday 13 July 2005, by Anonymous : What? No... it should still be Buffy. Sigh Wednesday 13 July 2005, by Eduardo : more appropriate title, guys! congrats =)Wednesday 13 July 2005, by Anonymous : I knew this was coming...Sunday 24 July 2005, by Michael : so sad... yes, better domain name, nice projects, but still miss ya Buffy... (when i say "Buffy" mean all these & more: Sarah, both B & A series, etc.) Don’t mean (necessarily) vampires, slaying, etc, but the quality. I was a "late" fan, never saw any B or A ep as aired (or on orig network). Only FX for Buffy & TNT for ANgel. This a 1.5 years ago. Got DVD’s after 6 months. The great web sites streams/archives should be disk ROMed and given to people who bought all the DVD’s... I still don’t know the real truth in what happened (Canceling of shows, why Sarah not part of DVD features, etc, yeah money, but no one can figure out how to make such a quality show with exhausting everyone involved week after week? Just because network execs sell the commercial time and collect the money in advance so the episodes have to air as scheduled. Should be other way around, when its ready networks will get it, it it needs extra (opps)... Green Day is right, Subliminal Mind Frack (as new Battle Star Galactica people, Starbuck, says...). Is Starbuck a coffer achiever? These comments are an anwser to this article : becomes !!