Tuesday 26 July 2005, by Alphie 13 :

A Spike Movie!! Later yes, but first a "Angel" movie with Buffy featuring. Please, Please, please......

Tuesday 26 July 2005, by Chiron :

Dear Awesome Mad Genius Joss - or "Master", if that will get your attention: please please please, A Spike movie next, while both James Marsters & WB are still interested. Love you now. Really!!!

Tuesday 26 July 2005, by Anonymous :

Oh, for the love of God... How long are people going to keep letting themselves be strung along? All they ever do is point the finger at each other—WB: We’ll do it if Joss wants to. Joss: Hey, if the WB wants to, but I’ve heard nothing. James: Yes, sir!

This have been going on for what? Almost a year and a half? It’s all gone a little stale, IMO. If they had any real intention of doing one, they’d have done it already.

Tuesday 26 July 2005, by Topaz :

We would love to see a "SPIKE" movie.He is one of the best vampires ever.Please make us a movie or even a series of Spike.

Tuesday 26 July 2005, by Anonymous :

@Kat You have a point, I suppose. But I still think it’s all spin. Yes, Joss was busy with Firefly and now Wonder Woman, which hasn’t been made yet. By the time filming is finished with that, we’ll know if Firefly was successful enough for there to be a sequel (I read somewhere of the possibility of a trilogy, which could have just been speculation, I don’t know). It just seems like a big ol’ repeat of what we’ve been hearing, yet not further steps are ever made. I absolutely agree with you about the ship angle, though. I don’t know what series some people have been watching if they think anyone’s getting a schmoopy ending. Personally, I really have doubts Joss gave a damn about ships in the first place.

Tuesday 26 July 2005, by Nadie :

But if Serenity and Wonder Woman happens to be a great succes they could try to do a Buffy/Angel big movie, instead of a little spike tv movie...

Tuesday 26 July 2005, by grifter :

SMG said she would never play Buffy again. DB will only do Angel on the big screen. Spike is the best character in that ’verse. Yippi Skippi.

Wednesday 27 July 2005, by Anonymous :

Actually SMG is nervous anything new with Buffy wont live up to what was. I dont blame her. Sometimes you got to know when to leave a party. STar Wars fans were DYING for new stuff until they got Epsiode 1..lol As for Spike, I will believe it when I see it end of story. People forget Joss himself has said he wanted to create shows, movies etc and move on himself. He fell in deep love with BTVS that is why he personally stuck round as long as he did.

Wednesday 27 July 2005, by MYST :

Ohhh a SPIKE movie!!! YAY!! I hope they go more into the boys relationship. That would be awesome! Can’t wait.

Wednesday 27 July 2005, by GL :

Ah okay I agree with the people who are saying to get it done already. Joss is probably busy trying to get bigger things done so he has his name mentioned more often when it comes to the big-screen. Because lets face it, after the Buffy movie came out, Joss was forgotten until the series started up. So, I don’t blame the guy for wanting to do big-screen projects that turn out his way for once. But, I really must say, a Spike movie at the time would be wonderful! His character can still have alot to be explained (like the age he was when he was sired), plus there is the chance of bringing other talented actors and actresses back too. Like Juliet Landau, Julie Benz, David Boreanaz, James Leary, and so on...even if half of them would to be in flashbacks. As of now I for one have missed the series enough to settle on a Buffy/Angel-versed movie starring any character. But, now that Spike is in the talkings, that makes me even happier because I absoulutely adore his character!

Wednesday 27 July 2005, by mann :

Ggs come on people how many times are we goin to hear this. I mean the WB wants it and Joss can’t make up his mind, and poor James who wants to make the movie just hangs around waiting for these two people to make up their minds.I think their are just stringing him along.Its getting a bit stale.

Wednesday 27 July 2005, by psclarke :

A few things: 1)A Spike movie or anything related to the Buffyverse would be great for all us fans. Patience will have to be a strong quality. A lot of the principal people involved are currently busy with other projects. 2)Joss getting Serenity pushed back to this fall certainly did not help things much. With all the preparations involved with getting a movie out i.e.press junkets, interviews, international releases etc.,it has not allowed him much time to really prepare a DVD/TV movie for the Spike Project.Also, I am sure with the film industry hot for comic book movies his top priority will be getting Wonder Woman off the ground and in theaters sooner rather than later. That will be a time consuming project. Just ask Chris Nolan. 3)With the announcement that James Marsters will be appearing next season as Braniac on Smallville will be a good thing for the Spike telemovie. If his appearance does good numbers for The WB this will enhance his marketability and push the execs to jump on the bandwagon and get this off the ground. We all know that fan campaigns while good, do not make studios listen as much as good ratings do. Tune in when the episode airs and maybe some good will come from it. Now, I would love it if all this could come sooner but like I stated above...I think we will all have to practice patience!

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