Saturday 12 June 2004, by Anonymous :

OK, does this mean JM is GAY? I hope not!!!!

Monday 6 September 2004, by Pandora :

Ok, I’ve been called a ’dope’ just of late but now I guess I gonna pass it on to you... you’re a dope. I really don’t think that by now - getting straight (hehe) about his personal stuff like divorce, age, son - he would’ve admitted that fact if it that was the case - don’t you think so?!

Interesting to read the Q&A of a con from last year with being able now to resume what has been come to pass since then... not enough JM for my taste. "TV-people"! are you blind or dumb or both? Get him on your shows!

Rock on James!

These comments are an anwser to this article : James Marsters Q&A: Tampa Con Report

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