Sunday 16 October 2005, by Anonymous :

OMG!!! James looks SO small compared to Tom Welling. SCARY!!!!

Sunday 16 October 2005, by Isabelaki :

Some folks say "Gosh, James aged..." or "My, he looks so old...". I say he looks great, absolutely fine considering he is not a twenty-something actor, like most on TV. He’s hot. And the man can act, unlike some pseudo-thespians on the screen these days.

Monday 17 October 2005, by Anonymous :

I have to say James looks for for a guy of 43. He might have aged but you guys can’t expect him to look 20 all of his life do you? He’s not a vampire.

Monday 17 October 2005, by Spikeslove :

To those of us that are older, he looks wonderful. I wouldn’t want a man of his age to look too young. His looks appeal to me like no others do. And I do love his dark hair. Do they have him wearing black or dark brown contacts?

Saturday 22 October 2005, by JMLUV :

Size, small, big... This pic remember me something about Goliath... And another guy... Please somebody tell me how this end.

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