Monday 31 October 2005, by Jessica :

This is really funny. Its like pop up video that was on VH1 a while back. I found it amusing.

Tuesday 1 November 2005, by Anonymous :

I don’t see a link!!! How can I click a link that’s not there?!?! THis is happening all over this board! HELP!!!!!!

Wednesday 2 November 2005, by Jeni/Spike :

I downloaded this a long time ago from the imesh , they dont have it anymore but when i did i laughed my ass off, just watch defantly a must for buffy spike fans... its soooo cute and funny you’ll laugh and lots of other stuff... nod: big spoilers for most of all the seasons on it...i just wish the vidder would make another one of these or how they made it is freakin great.!

Thursday 3 November 2005, by Anonymous :

Heh *thinking about sex again* Heh.

Friday 4 November 2005, by spike_spetslayer :

Was unable to download the file...said it had been downloaded it’s limit...

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