Saturday 5 November 2005, by James :

.......I thought that Southland Tales was a musical. I know imdb was saying so when it was in production. I guess they had it wrong.

Saturday 5 November 2005, by Anonymous :

This coming from the same woman who said she hated doing OMWF...?

Saturday 5 November 2005, by SCT :

Oh dear, this item is clearly BS, and Sarah has even mocked her own singing abilities on SNL.

As for the bitter anonymous who claims she hasn’t been heard of since "Scooby 2", newsflash! There was this movie called "The Grudge", remember? It cost $10 million but it grossed more than $180 million worldwide!!!! Who do you think made it so successful? SMG! People went to see that movie because she was in it! And the fact that she’s involved in 6 different movie projects (if not more) right now doesn’t exactly make me feel like she doesn’t interest anybody anymore. I’m so sick and tired of all these hate posts against Sarah.

As for OMWF, the most brilliant musical episode ever, she suffered a little in the process because as always on Buffy it was cramped into 3 weeks of production, and seeing as how she had approx. 4 numbers (!!!) in it and required a lot more training than Tony, James or Amber (each of which also had numerous tracks) due to her lack of experience, I perfectly understand why she had a hard time. It’s exhausting! And it’s not like she complained on set, she only expressed her feelings about it afterwards. How many times do actors that appear on Letterman or other talk-shows complain about how difficult and exhausting their part was. Nobody ever gives them a hard time for saying it. Even if the item is true (which i highly doubt) Sarah has every right to say this. She’s earned it fair and square.

Saturday 5 November 2005, by Anonymous :

“I swear I think if there was a rumor SMG likes vanilla icecream best, there would be people posting about how insensitive she is to chocolate.”

This is so true! Give her a rest already, jeeeese!

Sunday 6 November 2005, by Anonymous :

the stupid bint cany even sing so wat is she thinking

Sunday 6 November 2005, by Anonymous :

are these the same people that said SMG was "DESPERATE" to do a topless scene in a movie because she thought she was gettin old? lol.seriously.come on! She has said that she hates her singing voice! i love OMWF but she’s not the best singer and she knows it.and that’s a good thing!

Sunday 6 November 2005, by Anonymous :

i thot she was okay singer , and i thot she danced AWSOME

Sunday 6 November 2005, by SCT :

Is this the longest thread per shortest article or what?... :-)

CIBA, I agree with everything you said too. I think that for someone that has been doing TV for eight years like Sarah, to be immediately involved in so many projects says something about how good she is. During Buffy she did flaky campy movies cause they don’t take a long while to shoot and she could fit them into her schedule. But now we’re gonna be able to see her in so many different parts and genres. Even though she is not necessarily super famous now, her work on Buffy has clearly shown how competent an actress she is, and I’m sure she’ll show it on "The Return", "Southland Tales," "A Girl’s Guide", and all of the other projects she’s involved in.

I looove this site, but what I don’t like is the way they use rumors and title them in a way that is offensive towards the actors. To call the item "SMG desperate to star in a musical" already has negative criticism in it, because of "desperate", just like the one mentioned here about her wanting to do a nude scene to get famous. Not only is it BS and very unlikely to be something Sarah said, but it also gives more fuel to those who for some reason think Sarah is a horrible person. An actor’s obvious dream is to be able to portray many different parts in his career. Should Sarah be judged for wanting a change after 7 years????????? I know I get tired of the same job after 1 year! She has always expressed her gratitude for what the show has given her, she has always been a perfect professional on the Buffy set (listen to the different DVD commentaries, you’ll hear she’s a dream to work with on every commentary), and she had the right to call it quits after 7 years (which were in fact 8, cause the show started filming before 97). So if you hate her because she took Buffy away from you, grow up, all good things (or in Buffy’s case, all incredibly genius things) come to an end. The show went out on a high, and I don’t know if we could say the same had it gone on 1-2 more seasons. And if she does do another musical, I wish her all the luck in the world.

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