Saturday 5 November 2005, by Anonymous :

I agree. NO WAY is it better than BTVS.

Saturday 5 November 2005, by Anonymous :

i watch VM as well, and i love it, but it is not the new buffy.. nothing could beat buffy... ever. which makes me wonder why joss likes VM better than his own show, i mean he stopped working on buffy to work on firefly, basically handed it over to other writers, gave up on his creation, except for a few of the end episodes, and now he thinks some other show is " the best".. thanks joss.. sorry about this rant.. its just been in my head for a while : )

Saturday 5 November 2005, by anonymous :

Pretty much. Joss is simply too humble to say (or probably even think) that his work was better. Look at what the cast of Serenity said about him when they were onstage together in the videos for one of the post-preview screening Q & A’s they did promoting the film. He was being hard on himself in answering a question from someone in the audience and I think Nathan said something like, "you’re smarter than all of us put together."

Saturday 5 November 2005, by vi :

same here vm is a pretty good new show great actually but buffy is a legend that still lives even after it ended its final season hopefully well see some more buffy in the future

Sunday 6 November 2005, by freakyaye :

While VM does seem very interesting and all those things mentioned are true, where it lahs behind buffy is the character base. The supporting characters, unlike buffy, are stereotypical and bland; her detective father is useless and the show tries to convince us vm is a better detective than her father which is typical teen angst fluff. BTVS however, never bothered with such dribble, Giles (the equivelant) was knowleadgeable and an intelligent father figure which let buffy and co save the day, without jepoardizing his character in any way, while vms father is showed up by his daughter every week. This shows the difference in the writers skills of both shows.

Sunday 6 November 2005, by Anonymous :

Veronica Mars is a horrible show and isn’t even in the same league as BtVS.

Sunday 6 November 2005, by Leevee :

Let me first say: Yes, I love Buffy, and Angel, and Firefly, and Serenity. I was in all the ’save the show’ campaigns, I was one of the first Browncoats, etc.

But to me, Veronica Mars is better than any of them.

Think about it. Can you honestly say that you love every single episode of Buffy, that you could brag about all of them? If you say yes, then good for you. (Although, seriously? You loved "Beer Bad?") I can’t. I greatly dislike most Buffy/Angel scenes, and I hated what they both became for Spike/Buffy.

Veronica Mars? Yes, I can honsetly say I love all of the episodes. My favorite Veronica pairing is Leo/Veronica, which didn’t exist very long, but I still love to watch Veronica/Logan, or Veronica/Duncan, or even Veronica/Troy. Veronica, even at her most selfish, doesn’t annoy me like Buffy did at her most selfish - possibly because I can buy Kristen Bell as a teenager, but not SMG.

And to whomever said that Keith has nothing on Giles, that Veronica always seems smarter than Keith - not so. I’ll bring up the most famous example of Keith "beating" Veronica: "Mars vs. Mars", in which Veroncia was dead sure that her teacher was in the clear, and Keith was dead sure that the teacher had had sex with a student. Keith was right. Or in "Ruskie Business", when Veronica very nearly helped the Russian Mafia find someone in the Witness Protection Program and was stopped just in time by Keith. Or when she went into his safe in order to look at the Lilly Kane evidence, and he had set up a trap that got her covered in blue ink. Veronica pretty much never beats Keith, and often goes to him for help. And besides, comparing Keith to Giles makes no sense, other than them both being adult males. You’d have to compare Keith to Joyce, them being parents, and I can wholeheartedly say that Keith is the better parent.

(And the minor characters of VM being flat? No way. They don’t have as much depth as the major characters, true, but that’s because they don’t get as much screentime. If I was forced to, I’d take Cassidy Casablancas over Jonathan Levinson any day, and Jonathan is my all-time favorite Buffy character. I’d even take Sheriff Lamb over Lindsey, despite thinking Lamb is a total jackass and Lindsey being my favorite Angel character.)

But again, this is all just my opinion. I get that not every feels this way, and hey, I can respect it. But saying that there’s no way on Earth that VM is better than Buffy, and that anyone who thinks so must be a raving moron who hates Buffy? Not cool, nor true.

Sunday 6 November 2005, by SCT :

You ask if I can say I loved every single episode of Buffy? Well, I’ll answer that in Buffy’s style: all the episodes are in my heart, they are all dear to me. Some of them I love more, some less, but they are all a part of an incredible whole. I don’t watch VM so I can’t comment on it in comparison to Buffy, but from the 15 minutes I once made myself watch it I can’t even see the connection. Besides, to talk about loving all the episodes after merely 1 season and then some? Are you in any way kidding? Buffy ran for 7 years!!!! So of course there are gonna be the occasional flops like "Beer Bad" but even in them I can find the smart writing, the humor and the fact that even in "Stand alone" episodes like "Beer Bad" you still have something that moves the plot forward. And as a linguist, I can tell you some of the funniest lines are in an episode most people hate, called "Doublemeat palace".

I am willing to give VM a chance, but something tells me that I shouldn’t expect masterpieces like "Becoming", "Hush", "Restless", "OMWF" etc. etc. from it. I agree with whoever wrote the great line here about VM making references to pop culture whereas BtVS IS pop culture! Couldn’t have said it better myself. I hope someday we’ll get to see something as genius, but it will be a long time coming. At least there is still good TV in the form of "Desperate Housewives".

Monday 7 November 2005, by Anonymous :

Hahaha o man, what’s rediculous here is arguing about opinions. You can’t tell people what’s better or worse, only what you think in your head. To me, Veronica Mars is a cutesy little show, I would probably watch it if nothing better was on. Buffy and Angel, to me, are the best shows ever. But I’m not going to tell you why they’re the best and other shows are bad. The reason I think this is all so funny is because the person before talked about how awesome Buffy/Angel are, and I couldn’t agree much more, but then they said something positive about Desperate Housewives, a show I completely despise. The point is, there’s no use getting rabid and defensive over all this - We obviously all like Buffy and Angel, some of us just more than others.

Tuesday 8 November 2005, by AyanP :

@SCT: It’s true "VM" has only completed one season, but season one of "VM" was WAY better than season one of "Buffy." I think "Buffy" was a better show overall, though. But like you said "VM" has only completed one season, so who knows? Maybe "VM" will be better than "Buffy" overall.

Thursday 10 November 2005, by Anonymous :

Buffy was universal - Veronica Mars isn’t. Veronica Mars is a decent show but its humour sometimes is only confined to the enjoyment of Americans. There is a difference between American humour and British humour. Joss Whedon succeeded in writing something that was enjoyed by people all around the world therefore due to its universalism surely Buffy is better?

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