Tuesday 11 March 2008, by Phil :

Since Willow was in school with Xander in pre-school she should be within 10 months of him in age. Therefore, Buffy, WIllow, Xander, and Tara (based on the date on her tombstone) are all the same age.

We don’t know for sure if Xander is older than Buffy or not. In "Innocence" he says he’s 17 and the episode takes place on Buffy’s 17th birthday. But in "Reptile Boy" (Dated the 10th day of the 10th month - October 10th) he says he’s 16 and a half. That would put his birthday in the April timeframe, plus or minus a couple of months. So Xander could be born anywhere between February and Juneish and have rounded up his age to 17, which is true in real life. If you’re 16 and 10 months old you would say "I’m 17" or "I’m almost 17" or "I’m about to turn 17" - not "I’m 16 and 10 months old."

While we didn’t see it on screen it’s pretty certain that Dru sired Sheila in "School Hard."

Whether or not Willow is "bisexual" is indeterminate. A literal definition of "bisexual" as somebody who has at any time had sexual relations with both men and women at _any_ time in their lives makes Willow bisexual and almost certainly Spike by the same definition (since William almost certainly went to a British boarding school in Victorian times.) In real-life many women go out with men until they are young adults and realize they’re attracted to women and self-identify as "Lesbian" not "Bisexual."

Just because Willow doesn’t express surprise when somebody calls her "Red" does not mean it’s a common nickname. Buffy never expresses any surprise when Faith calls her "B."

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