Thursday 15 December 2005, by Anonymous : And the Biggest Nerd award goes to... While you’re masturbating to your region 2 Serenity DVD, you might want to think about growing up. Thursday 15 December 2005, by Anonymous : The extra footage on the UK dvd will end up being put online anyway, so it doesn’t really matter.Thursday 15 December 2005, by Anonymous : LOL, yeah, okay, ’cause US and Canadian Firefly fans don’t know how to download.Friday 16 December 2005, by Anonymous : to the 1st poster - haters suck!Friday 16 December 2005, by miffed (feel free to email me and sputter...."but, but...!" : Gee....I don’t guess they’ve made DVD players that will play ANY DVD.....from ANY region....have they? Well!!! I just gotta get me one of those.....*channels Joe Billy Bob the Redneck* What an IDIOT. I have a regionless DVD player, and before Mr. Gwin starts spewing about PAL> converts that, too, buddy!Friday 16 December 2005, by Anonymous : Serenity sucked anyway. Sorry Joss, big fan of Angel and Buffy, but Firefly and Serenity didn’t do anything for me. And a lot of other US fans, I guess. heh heh. As far as the Brit version being better, that’s cool. Guess they’re still bitter about that whole "American Revolution" thing.Friday 16 December 2005, by Anonymous : Of course, like all other DVDs, Serenity will be a lot cheaper in the US. Usually DVDs are at least twice the price in the UK as they are in the US, with less special features. Which is why more and more Britons are getting multiregion DVD players and importing DVDs from the US- even with the customs charges and postage charges, they are much cheaper to buy this way. When Buffy was still on for example the DVD box-sets would cost around $45-$60 (about 22-30 pounds) whereas in the shops here they were 75 pounds- roughly $140. Since Buffy has been off the air for a while the DVD sets have come down in price, but were we ripped off or what?Friday 16 December 2005, by Anonymous : Muhahaha...i love whedon. *continues living in england* Friday 16 December 2005, by AP Salsman : And here I thoughtit was meant to just be funny, not attacking. Maybe i’ve got a better sense of comedy.Friday 16 December 2005, by Anonymous : Oh gee poor us in the U.S. The speacial features will probably be available for download on this site anyways. Besides I thought the U.S. was more Buffy and Angel fan friendly the Serenity fan friendly..Friday 16 December 2005, by Anonymous : Um, what the hell is this guy talking about? I really doubt this Joss’ way of saying "screw you", In fact I don’t think he would ever say screw you to ANY fan of his work. Also, I don’t think he really had any say on the production of the DVD’s, both R1 and R2. I think Universal saw how well the Firefly box set sold and plans on releasing a 2-disc special edition DVD a few months after the single disc release. FOX does the same thing with a lot of their DVDs.Wednesday 21 December 2005, by Kara : Well "Serenity" DVD isn’t being released in England until Feb. 27 2006 while we have ours in the U.S. now! I think ’Scott Gwin’ is just jealous! I read that a Special Edition DVD will be released later in the U.S. I think they just wanted to get this out for Xmas for which I say "Thanks Joss and Universal!"These comments are an anwser to this article : US Shafted By Serenity DVD