Wednesday 22 February 2006, by Anonymous :

"McDonald’s Hamburger University." hahahahahaahaha.omg.I don’t think Alyson Hannigan is a bad actress (but damn is that the way..there is no acting school lol)but I suppose this movie brought it out of her.All I’ve been hearing is how bad this movie is.I’m gonna just stick to her little tv show.i’m poor.I could use 8 bucks to save.

Thursday 23 February 2006, by Duckie :

Hannigan is an especially bad actress. It is as if she took acting classes at McDonald’s Hamburger University. (Note: Hamburger University does not have an acting program).

0_0 Whatever...Whoever wrote the review, I’m sorry, but you’re a freaking idiot. Get a life. Alyson is a WONDERFUL actress. GROW EYES!

Friday 27 July 2007, by aabbcc :

I agree. Alyson is an AWESOME actress.

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