Saturday 4 March 2006, by lucy :

Yes, but how long have we been hearing this for? I wont believe anything till i hear definates from there own mouths, or even until im watching it! Im still hopeful tho!

Saturday 4 March 2006, by Bruce :


Saturday 4 March 2006, by darkraven1753 :

Please let this be true! I miss the Buffyverse so much that it breaks my heart. I need these characters back in my life!

Sunday 5 March 2006, by NorwayBoy :

Is Buffy really coming back??!!! OMG! Me happy!! :D Is this a shure thing? When? Has sarah said yes? I have so many questions I wanna ask!! Can someone please say someting, answer me :) Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the best show ever! I miss it so much! Sarah Michelle Gellar please say that this is true!!! You are going to make many people happy, if this is going to happen. You don’t have to do many seasons or something like that, just do some episodes. A reunion or something! :) PLEASE!

ps: Does someone know if season 2 of Veronica Mars, is going to be the last season? Please say no. But don’t lie :P And, what about One Tree Hill? Is season 3 the last season?

Sunday 5 March 2006, by NorwayBoy :

buffy the vampire slayer is the best show ever!!!

Monday 6 March 2006, by Anonymous :

It been like what three years? I am so over it. they shouldnt make this straight to dvd crap.. But sarah has like the biggest stick up your ass. so i dedut she would even agree do it... what a bitch. Get over yourself your not that great of an actress.. the only films i ever seen her in are with your bum of a husband freddie. and now he has a show... COME ON!!..

Saturday 18 March 2006, by Anonymous :

To whoever said:

"It been like what three years? I am so over it. they shouldnt make this straight to dvd crap.. But sarah has like the biggest stick up your ass. so i dedut she would even agree do it... what a bitch. Get over yourself your not that great of an actress.. the only films i ever seen her in are with your bum of a husband freddie. and now he has a show... COME ON!!.."

If you are "over it" why are you on a website looking at buffy articles?? And what you said about sarah is rude, untrue, and stupid. Sarah has been gracious for buffy and her fans, as she always says in her interviews. YOU are just a whiny, bitch with "the biggest stick up your ass!"

Sunday 19 March 2006, by Matt-Man :

i hope buffy comes back i miss the show so much and angel too. but you cant believe everything you hear i just wish it were true.........

Sunday 19 March 2006, by Anonymous :

I don’t think they mean that Sarah is coming back. I think they just mean they’re going to do future Buffy made-for-DVD movies featuring Buffyverse characters such as Spike , Willow , Giles etc.

Monday 20 March 2006, by Asiak [Poland] :

Please make it true! We want it so much... !!!!!!!!! I hope it’s true. Please, please!!! ]:->

Monday 20 March 2006, by Jo :

i’ll believe it when I am sitting in my living room watching it, but I would sure be the first in line to buy them!

Tuesday 21 March 2006, by ;) :

I think he was talking more about the Spike thing and possibly other characters. I don’t he is referring to Buffy. I really hope that it happens. I can’t get enough. :)

Tuesday 25 March 2008, by dave :


the best show of all time. timeless. i love anya

Tuesday 27 September 2011 :

LOOK i hope joss Whedon is reading this........i’ve never been one to watch t.v series ......but i FELL IN LOVE with Buffy The Vampire Slayer as a gave me confadence, and made me a strong ,dont no body push me around caulse im a girl type of women......i love who i am today at 22 ...and it beacuse of u Joss Whedon......u made buffy ......and shes wonderful!DONT WORRY This isant some sicotic flirting comment....just a much filled gratitude one!!!THANK U.To u and ur team! NOW PLEASE COME BACK........I would love to see Buffy come back as a series caulse i cant get enough ...i’ve watched my series like 10 times........but i think i speak for all fans when i say it wont be worth it without Sarah ................SHE IS OUR BUFFY..unless u wanna do celeb look a like we’ll take you...giggles! but no realy i dont think i can watch it without her.......Dont let her turn ya down....and i would addor seeing her and angel get to have what they’ve wanted since the begining and iwanna see it , NOT LIKE THE MOVIES WERE U SEE THEY GET TOGETHER AND THE MOVIE GOES OFF!!!!!!!!!! I wanna see em happy and mabee with a baby...giggles.....also it wouldent be the same without xander and willow. plus i miss tara and buffys mom.....but ur a genious love Brittany Partridge 5459 Deerwood Rd Pensacola ,FL ,32526 p.s IM FINE WITH STRAIGHT TO DVD.....ILL GO CRAZY IF I HAVE TO WAIT EVERY DAY TO WATCH!!!!!!!!<3

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