Monday 20 March 2006, by TidalWave :

I understand a writer’s right to want to protect its work. I do not know that author or the work in question but I understand that person could feel that way however I didn’t like the arrogance in the post.

That person talks about fanfictions only in term of ’bad writing’. I have read such tremandously good fanfiction. So many really brilliant authors writing both their work and fanfiction as a side ’hobby’ and this is what got me into fanfiction in the first place. It was in 2001 and I can show how my english has improved from my first work back then to my current one (I’m a non english speaker but write in english). So at least this is a writing excercise.

I personally write only on the Buffy/Angel universe and what I find really amazing with fanfiction is the infinite possibilities. And in the Buffy/Angel case, the feeling that it, indeed, never fades away. "Buffy" stopped in 2003 and "Angel" in 2004 and I’ve never written more fanfictions than since it gave its last bow.

I miss that show, I admit. I know that I would miss it far much if I didn’t have fanfictions to keep it going...

Doesn’t prevent me from writing my own stuff aside.

PS:I have to add that Joss Whedon, for whom I have a huge respect for he is the creator of 3 shows of pure genius, is well aware of the numerous fanfictions based on his characters, and I suspect he sometimes even played with that fact with simple allusions.


Monday 20 March 2006, by Anonymous :

tighta** much?

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