Tuesday 11 April 2006, by nmcil :

Great Article - it’s always a pleasure to have The Whedonverse Characters and Mythic Themes as part of the discussion of Joss Whedon’s powerful TVland series.

One of the greatest and most powerful examples of The Bodhisattva theme has to be the finale, Chosen. Buffy’s lines about Spike being in her heart is the metaphor for the spiritual transformation; taking Spike out of the ordinary realm of Real World Life and his transcedence into the spiritual realm of The Bodhisattva; the givers of Love and Positive Energy back into the world of mankind - Buffy and Spike as former light and dark melding together to create A The Light of The World.

How I miss my weekly experience with the Buffyverse, Angel and Firefly - Joss Whedon, THANKS WITH ALL MY HEART FOR THE VERSE.

These comments are an anwser to this article : The Inspiration Of ’Wisdom Beings’ In Science Fiction & Buffy

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