Monday 17 April 2006, by Jonny Kirby :

If you dont like it dont watch it.... simple as that!

alot of peopel didn’t have wonderwoman growing up... let them have their wonderwoman for a new generation!

Monday 17 April 2006, by Sam Cucinotta :

What reactionary drivel. Nostalgic schlock drudged up by those who believe that everything in the past had a silver lining. When applied to politics, it’s been labeled "Return to Normalcy", in media, there is no name for it, but it all rings of one thing: Bull.

How can this person be leaping to conclusions so soon, and only by analyzing a single aspect of the entire project? It’s just starting out! The script was only just finished—and we probably won’t see the finished product until 2008.

Beyond the conspiracy-theory level speculation of the article, there’s the entire idea of holding the 70s Wonder Woman series as some paragon of good entertainment. Now, I’ve seen the series and I can only liken its entertainment value to 70s camp and nostalgia. Here, it’s being treated as the equivalent to "Star Trek" in how it set up a grand example.

Worse, the author does not realize that Wonder Woman is and was, first and foremost, a comic book character, not a TV character. The author may enjoy that particular interpretation of the character, but he forgets that it is just that—an interpretation of a character. And now he has the gall to spew venomously against a second adaptation when he doesn’t even acknowledge the source material? It’s blatant hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy, ignorance and nostalgia are a nasty combination, and this article shows that in spades.

Tuesday 18 April 2006, by Rainkiss :

I can see where he’s coming from. Did you SEE the Dukes of Hazard movie? The Bewitched movie? ::shudder:: Heck, do you remember the last of the Superman movies? Loved Chris Reeve, I did, but the scripts he had to work with got worse every movie. Yes, he’s being reactionary, and he probably doesn’t know Joss like we do, so I can see where he’d be concerned. Wonder Woman is pretty much the last of the big superhero icons to get a modern update. WE know Joss can handle it, this guy just needs to learn.

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