Tuesday 9 May 2006, by Anonymous :

Happy Birthday to David, but he’ll be 37 since he was born in 1969!

Wednesday 10 May 2006, by Mo :

OK, ’WE’ all know DB turns 35 on May 16th, but why is it that some other publications list him as 36, or as in the case of this weeks TV GUIDE article, 37? I just don’t get it. Doesn’t his publicist list David’s correct age in his bio? Regardless, I still love him and I believe he is much more the hottie now than in his BTVS/Angel days.

Wednesday 10 May 2006, by Anonymous :

It has been established that he was actually born in 1969 and not 1971. So David is 37.

Wednesday 10 May 2006, by SUSAN :

Taurus’es are very stubbon....and most love their food..thats why they have to watch their weight.....

Sunday 14 May 2006, by Angelcakes :

HE WILL BE 37 p.s go to teavee.com and vote for ANGEL and or BUFFY.

Saturday 20 May 2006, by dantheman :

went to that teavee.com site and voted for Angel, Angel is rank at #71 Buffy is rank #34 and bones #35. you can vote every 5 mins.

Saturday 20 May 2006, by dantheman :

Teavee angel now at 70#

These comments are an anwser to this article : David Boreanaz - May 16 he will be 37 - What happened in the world on May 16 ?

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