Friday 16 April 2004, by Wolverine68 :

This season was a major step up from season 4. Which let’s not even begin to look at the disapointments. I just try to look at the bright side, season 4 had the all time greatest villian ever concieved (The Beast).

Season 5 is edgy, and Angel (the character) has gotten a bit darker. This season is somewhat remenicent of season two, where he was in a very dark place.

Stand alone episodes are parcially to do with this. Story-archs work well, but season-archs are just to much.

There is only one gripe I have with this season. And that is why did "Conviction" end with a to be continued, but the next story falls under a different title. The only to be continued ever on Angel, and it’s not even really a 2 part episode, just a suspense gimick. However, that is not important, as the title is never even seen on episodes.

Episodes have been more original, and intresting then for along time. "Life Of The Party was fun" (& only had one flaw, the fight with evil Lorne could have been doen better). ’That Cautionary number episode’ (lol), ok "tale of numero cinco," was a refreshing change, and had some much needed great fight scenes. "Hell Bound" was risky, and nightmarish. "Just Rewards" & "Unleashed" showed there was alot of good that could be done by working for W&H. "Destiny" gave an intresting insist to the relatonship between our souled vampires. Another refreshing change was done, Spike besting Angel in battle. The reintroduction of Lindsey was the most shocking thing in the whole 5 years. No one expected to ever see him again.

"Harm’s Way" was a seemingly pointless episode, and the low point of the season, but still a good episode, with it’s value. The 100th episode was the shinning becon of the season, and one of the show’s best ever. Great plot, it’s happy, it’s sad, it’s triumphant & realistic. and we get to see the best fight on the show since Angel Inc. first battles The Beast.

There is even a visit from some people from SunnyDale. Not the way I would have had the enocounter go down, but another well doen story line. A true shopwing of how people change and grow apart. David Boreanez then showed he was a great director. We even get to see one more flash back episode. The writters always wanted to do an episode in the 30’s and now they got it.

On top of all this, we get to see Angel turned into a puppet, (Not since Hercules was turned into a pig has the world laughed so hard.) Even as a puppet he manages to have 2 great fight scenes. Then Joss Whedon writes a heart felt plot, where a major character’s life is taken. The story is cut short to move on the other stories, but was enjoyable.

Now we have 6 episode left. Will Angel finally have to face "the" apocaplypse. What will be with his son? Will someone finally stake Drucilla? Questions questions, oh my.

Thanks Joss, and everyone for 5 plus great years. For a spin off that outdid it’s origin. This is definatly one of hte great shows ever concieved, ammoung the best in my generation (which I can vouch is only 1 of 2 shows I am collecting on DVD).

The only point I must disagree on is Joss being the finest writter. I give him his credit in coming up with these thing we refer to as the "Whedon" or "Buffy" - verse. And perhaps this would be different if he didn’t have the duties of executive producer on his hands, who knows.

His writting was always the best on Buffy. His finales for seasons 2 & 5 were the best plots & greatest challenges for Buffy. However we are talking about Angel.

If you run down the list of the stand out episodes of each season of Angel, who’s names are on them?

 Season 1- 1-"In The Dark" written by Douglas Petrie 2-"I Will Remember You" ’ ’ by David Greenwalt & Janine Renshaw 3-"Hero" ’ ’ by Howard Gordan & Tim Minear 4-"Five By Five" ’ ’ by Jim Kouf 5-"Sactuary" ’ ’ by Tim Minear & Joss Whedon 6-"War Zone" ’ ’ by Garry Campell 7-"To Shanshu In L.A." ’ ’ by David Greenwalt

 Season 2- 1-"Judgement" (Whedon did think of the story idea with Greenwalt, but Greenwalt did the telleplay) 2-"Have You Now Or Ever Been" by Tim Minear 3-"The Trial" by Douglas Petrie & Tim Minear 4-"Happy Aniversay" by David Greenwalt 5-"Reprise" & "Epipshany" by Tim Minear 6-The last 3/Pylia story arch was written by A(20)-Mere Smith B(21)- Tim Minear C(22)-David Greenwalt

 Season 3- 1-"Heartthrob" by David Greenwalt 2-"That Vison Thing" by Jeffery Bell 3-"That Old Gand Of Mine" by Tim Minear 4-"Carpe Noctem" by Scott Murphy 5-"Birthday" by Mere Smith 6-"The Price" by David Fury 7-"Waiting In The Wings" by Joss Whedon (& look only one episode by him in season 3)

 Season 4- 1-"Apocalypse Nowish" by Steven S. DeKnight 2-"Orpheus" by Mere Smith 3-"Sacrifice" by Ben Edlund 4-"Home" by Tim Minear (Yes, only 4, that’s how bad it was - in comparison.)

 Season 5- 1-"Hellbound" by Steven S. DeKnight 2-"Life Of The Party" by Ben Edlund 3-"Soul Purpose" by Brent Flecher 4-"You’re Welcome" by David Fury 5-"Smile Time" Ben Edlund wrote the telleplay & directed (Joss helped with the story idea) 6-"Underneath" By Sarah Fain & Elizabeth Craft 7- 8- (I am leaving the last 2 open, I know next weeks in going to be good, I have read spoliers & the WB discription. Then the season finale that I know, without even reading a spoiler as I want to be surprised, will blow everyone & thing away.)

Sorry if I carried on a bit, I wanted to prove my point. Seems Joss’s name is the least frequent of the great TV writters. His visions of projects to produce is probably the best today.

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