Friday 27 October 2006, by Duckie :

oh. my. gosh. She is sooo unbelievably gorgeous!! 0_o

Saturday 28 October 2006, by Manfa :

I think she looks good, but you can totally tell that she has been photoshoped. Also I saw an episode of "How I Met Your Mother" and has she had a boob job, because they definitely look bigger! Or maybe she just started wearing push up bras? Anybody know???

Tuesday 31 October 2006, by Duckie :

No, she hasn’t had a boob job- she’s said in multiple interviews that she wears water bras, which would make them look bigger

These comments are an anwser to this article : Alyson Hannigan - Calabazas Magazine October 2006 Photoshoot - High Quality Photos

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