Saturday 10 February 2007, by lisa39 :

EveryTuesday night at 7 pm I still feel the whole in my heart even after all this time. Other than Battllestar Gallactica(started as my husbands deal) I find nothing on the box that can hold my very ADD attention span like the Buffster. Desperate Housewives? Please, I’m desperate to see all of them get smacked around a little.(o.k. alot) I guess I’ll just entertain myself with this new computer thingy I just got instead.(that’s right people, until now I lived in a cave).Here’s to the vastness of the internet! Lisa39

Tuesday 13 February 2007, by Anonymous :

Uh, what happened to it?

Some explanation, or link to an explanation, or hint of a clue would have been nice.

Thursday 15 February 2007, by Chiron :

There will simply never be another BtS & I agree with the poster who said it still leaves a big hole in the heart. And also about Battlestar Galactia. I’ve yet to come across a still grieving Buffy fan who isn’t in love with BSG. My ultimate fantasy is James Marsters as one of the Final five :=)

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