Sunday 10 June 2007, by Anonymous : A recent MSN article tried to paint films like "Captivity," "Hostel 2" and slasher flicks in a positive light as "empowering to women." One woman said that watching the victim get her revenge in "I Spit on Your Grave" made her feel empowered. Revenge is not empowerment. Revenge is letting the enemy drag you down to their level of violence and disrespect for human life. With the slasher flicks, it was pretty much standard fare to have the girls who were sexually active cut down, while the "good girl" IE, the girl who keeps her virginity (because that’s what men want) is the "Final Girl," the survivor. This reinforces the notion that most women are whores except the ones who do as they’re told. In most of these, the men who die are killed suddenly while the girls get long, drawn out chase scenes so they can be fully terrorized. One wonder if there would even be a Final Girl if the producers didn’t think they had to bow to society’s mores. Even in the MSN article the producers had to admit that they want to attract both the misogynst and feminist audiences. To even think they could have it both ways is stupid. The really empowered heroines like Buffy, River, Wonder Woman, Xena, and the like aren’t running, surviving or avenging themselves. They are proactive, they are making a difference. They are saving the world, protecting innocents, righting wrongs. Sorry, MSN, you can’t convince me these horror films are serving any worthwhile purpose. These comments are an anwser to this article : Joss Whedon - Violent videos made me "snap"