Wednesday 30 May 2007, by Theresa :

I think the bear at Spikes feet was some sort of play on "blondie bear" hehe. I want more Buffy figures!

Friday 1 June 2007, by Bryan :

Ahhh.... DST. Hate isn’t a strong enough word for these morons. Here’s an idea: If you want to completely paint yourself in a corner, try releasing the same characters(mostly from the later and worst seasons of Buffy) as action figures, over, and over again. people won’t get tired of that. By all means don’t try to release a new character figure. That would break our frikkin hearts. Base every decision you make on presells because we all know that 110% of people who buy things online MUST have a presell in order to be interested in that product. If it’s a unique, or cool product, make a prototype, and then 5 months later cancel it. That makes fans of your products very happy. I have boycotted DST, and convinced many of my friends to do the same. I guess what I’m getting at is that DST doesn’t deserve the Buffy license because they are egotistical creeps who could give a damn about the most important part of any buisness-the customers.

Saturday 2 June 2007, by oppy :

new line of buggy figures, keep em comin

Sunday 3 June 2007, by Anonymous :

where is Kendra?

Tuesday 5 June 2007, by SESKA :

Harmony. I want Harmony.

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