Saturday 13 October 2007, by John vonSmuda-Triebekowski :

Nothing like killing a franchise than to make your fans mad, huh, Fox? I remember when the internet first really really took off. There were thousands of Star Trek fan sites. For some insane reason, Paramont, draconianily demanded all these sites be shut down or else! There were a few die hards who refused to budge and I am sure that today the once Star Trek fans who ran those sites probably detest Star Trek with every fiber of their body thanks to Paramont Lawyers. Now Paramont, UPN, Activision all wonder...gee where are all the Star Trek fans? Why didn’t they watch our show? Why didn’t they buy our games? DUH!!!!!!!!!!!! The point is...when you stop your fans from creating and loving and experience the pure joy they get from their expression of fandom, you are going to loose fans! So, Fox, instead of canceling all these showings...find a way to expand them or at least keep showing the ones that were showing.

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