Wednesday 7 January 2004, by Dirtface : Why is this garbage littering to Its not even funny.Wednesday 7 January 2004, by Noni : What?Why would any of this happen?Wednesday 7 January 2004, by Tadpole : I dont know who wrote that, but no, its not funny, its not even worth getting the tiniest snicker out of me!! Taking up precious space for something that could be alot more interesting! CRAP!! Thursday 8 January 2004, by Dinah : I’ve been to Buffy/Angel conventions and enjoyed them immensely, yet I still found this article to be hilarious. No, I’ve never experienced these things at a convention, but who cares — it’s fun and funny. Lighten up, Buffy afficionados.Thursday 15 January 2004, by Amethyst : You can take it as the writer is talking about Buffy being lame, or you could take it as the CONVENTION is lame, which is what I think the author of this little top ten list is meaning.Thursday 12 February 2004, by Manticore : I found this quite amusing - as I find all slices of the absurd. It seems to me that every "top ten" in this style rarely contains anything, or is intended to represent anything, that would/could actually happen. It’s just a "what if" spoof. It got a snicker from me. MCTuesday 16 March 2004, by Anonymous : this makes no sense!!These comments are an anwser to this article : Top 10 Signs You Are At a Lame Buffy/Angel Convention