Friday 18 January 2008 :


Sunday 20 January 2008 :

large and in charge... i will march down there with her if i have to

Monday 28 January 2008, by Krash :


Saturday 2 February 2008, by Snowy :

I don’t care if this movie dosn’t come out this year!!!

As long as it comes out and is goood!!!!

Please make it good! I don’t want anything like Doom!

Sunday 3 February 2008, by Paige :

Please !!! Tell me whats the age going to be for the film !?!

Wednesday 13 February 2008 :

is this movie even gunna come out?? you got me all riled up and excited about it and they keep postponing it :(

Monday 10 March 2008 :

i wish people would stop worrying about sarah’s’s the director you have to worry about...he’s prolly gonna turn it into a stupid slasher flik, and not pay attention to the look and gothic feel that this movie deserves to have...if he screws this up, he’s definately going to get a good lashing and if he screws this movie up, he deserves one! with the devotion i and everyone else have for this game, not to mention the origional classic story as well, it would be like if peter jackson screwed up the lord of the rings! don’t worry about sarah, just worry about the guy behind the scenes, he could mess up the editing, the layout, choose the wrong takes to use and it’ll just be a waste of all this time fans have been waiting, not to mention 10bucks and two hours out of your life!..i hope he takes as much time as he needs to do this right and not ruin a killer idea by doing what alot of these other video game movies have done, like keeping box office sales in mind more than the artistic and creative would be unfortunate to have this ruined with too much comedy or the director keeping the violence down to a PG13 rating just to appease kids who’ve never even played the game.........i wasn’t even a kid when i beat that game, so i’m sure the ones that were are all grown up now and can fully handle how scary and twisted this movie needs to be......anyhoo...that’s i wanted to say..

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