Thursday 6 March 2008 :

Hot Damn!!!! I’lll be there. You bet. To see David and Emily. I’ll be there. Hot Damn!!!!!!

Sunday 9 March 2008, by Karin :

I think it sucks that he’ll attend the Bones event but not the Buffy reunion event as the Buffy event is much more important to his long time fans! That he’ll go to his new show but not his old one is a slap in the face to all of us. I enjoy watching Bones, but I don’t really care about seeing him and Emily together. I would much rather see new pictures of him with his old Buffy co-stars! :(

These comments are an anwser to this article : David Boreanaz & "Bones" Tv Series crew at Paley Center on April 9, 2008

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