Sunday 26 February 2006, by Oleg :

February 25, 2006

Dear Employer,

I am interested in the possibility of working in your store this summer at the position of Sales person

As I started in my resume I worked as a sales person in “Bennetonn” shop for 6 month and destributer(salesman) in “Tiens” corporation. My work as a destributer required deep knowledge of human psychology and the way different kinds of products should be introduces and offered to the clients. I attended around 23 business trainings, 9 of which were dedicated to the topic of sales and approach to the client. And I should emphasize that many of them where held on English by americans. These kinds of jobs are strongly interconnected with communicating with people. Besides, I had to deal with lots of unexpected situations during working there. I was praised for my ability to find the way out of hard situations. This experience is of benefit for your company.

I am also able to work both in team and on my own. Through my career there were times when I was required to be leader and the follower. I success in both.

I would greatly appreciate receiving any additional information regarding employment opportunities at your store, including an application form if necessary.

With regard to my eligibility to work in the U.S., I will be a participant on the Work & Travel USA program. I will posses all the necessary legal working documents for employment in the United States from May until October. Once I arrive in the U.S. I will apply for a social security card.

Thank you for time. I am available at the address, by telephone or E-mail listed in my resume.

Sincerely, Oleg Leontiev

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