Saturday 4 April 2009, by Rich L. of New Haven :

I wrote in a few months back and told everyone it was just a matter of time before Joss and Dollhouse got the ax. It is always the people with vision that meet up with the most road blocks because we as a race, cannot tolerate greatness in our presence, we do everything to break it down and destroy that greatness.

A quote from the great Joe Strazynski of Babylon 5 fame, "greatness is never appreciated in youth....called pride in mid-life.....dismissed in old age.....and reconsidered in death" "Because we cannot tolerate greatness in our midst, we do all we can to destroy it"

I think of Joss as a great man, very talented and although I have taped all the current "Dollhouse" episodes, I have yet to watch them so cannot pass comment on how it measures up to his other work and will do so at a later time. So why is it that great people are always torn down? Firefly and now Dollhouse, both doomed before they even aired. Serenity not with standing, I thought it was still a great movie. Maybe we should ask ourselves this, if you had the power to choose one, which would you like to see turned into a 7-year show, Firefly or Dollhouse?

Maybe Joss would fare better on Showtime or Hbo? Instead of Fox I mean.

These comments are an anwser to this article : Fox Cancels Joss Whedon

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