Friday 6 February 2004, by Anonymous : Recent episodes have touched on how others perceive the deal Angel made with the Wolfram & Hart devil, and this episode crystallizes the doubts the characters have about what they’ve done. "You’re Welcome" is a high point for this very good season, and it will no doubt galvanize the show as it heads toward the end of its fifth and possibly last season. Wait a second, what does this mean, "(...) it will no doubt galvanize the show as it heas toward the end of its fifth and POSSIBLY LAST SEASON (...)", what are the chances Angel gets renewed or cancelled after all?? An a question a would like to know since the end of season 4, why is that a great deal of the regular cast was reformulated?? Simply because of the story or it was something else?? These comments are an anwser to this article : Angel 5x12 You’re Welcome - Review