Tuesday 23 March 2004, by Aldonn : What the heck? Is this true? But...that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. This means Millions of people could watch a show (lets just say Firefly...for the hell of it) but these millions of viewers just out of chance aren’t among those in the Neilson dealy. This means the execs think the show only gets 3 viewers a week (which just happens to be themselves) then the show is cancelled. But what about us? This is stupid. Today’s lesson is how to spell stupid. S-T-U-P-I-D. Remember that, I’ll test you tomorrow.Tuesday 23 March 2004, by Anonymous : They try to get a true representation of the market or universe or whatever they call it, by demographics etc etc. Its not perfect, but no survey can be and the cost of measuring every household would be prohibitive.Wednesday 24 March 2004, by Anonymous : Actually, My household was contacted (in the form of an offical card with the nielson reps. cell phone number handwritten on it packaged in something saying they just wanted to ask 2 questions and that they weren’t selling anything) Although we toyed for the idea for an hour— we decided in the long run being metered would just be more frustrating. When we’d watch a show and it gets cancelled anyway. The reality is decent rated shows still get cancelled. You just can’t win it seems.These comments are an anwser to this article : Confessions of a Nielsen family - How Tv Ratings Work