Thursday 25 March 2004, by ruby : Hey there.. If you are reading this article you should know this..Probablly all people think that muslims are arabs.. they dress with all those black sheets and they are dirty and they are rude and they kill people with bombs.. i am a muslim and even i’m ashamed of them.. And I love BUFFY and ANgel i’m watching both of the series.. Please dont think that being muslim is like that..Because it is not..Friday 26 March 2004, by a muslim buffy fan : Please realize that this article, however fair towards the last paragraphs, was written with a Catholic slant obviously. Everything in this world is biased by our own personal beliefs, which makes sense, otherwise we wouldn’t be who we are. I’d just like everyone to know that Muslims are peaceful, Islam means peace, and it’s a religion of peace and extreme tolerance. The dumbasses who do this terrorist and violence crap (from any religion or any group of people) don’t deserve to be called human even. Most Muslims are peaceful and good people, please don’t let the actions of a few idiots bias the world against us and our peaceful views. We are ashamed of these idiots who think they are Muslim but do not act it. We all believe in the same God, and hey even if you don’t believe in God, that’s cool. As long as you’re a good moral person, that’s all that matters. But we should live in peace and just learn to get along. And btw, Buffy and Angel totally rock. James Marsters rules baby!!! Friday 26 March 2004, by Glory : In an issue of British SF magazine SFX, Joss Whedon answered 100 questions. No 58 was "Do you feel Saddam Hussein might become a better person if he watched Buffy?" and Joss answered: "Couldn’t hurt. Bush could use it, too." The point is, Buffy makes anyone a better person no matter the religion, so it’s sad to see it being used as an example of Western mainstream TV. As for the "all Muslims are terrorists" discussion - there are extremist groups in most religions and the events of recent years obviously just turned a flashlight on this particular religion - and brought out some narrow-minded, prejudiced people with big mouths. But I believe most non-Muslims know that. Sure, I have friends who are Muslim, but even if I hadn’t I know enough of the world to know that there are good and bad people in all walks of life. I wish everyone would watch the 144 episodes of Buffy.These comments are an anwser to this article : Islam vs. McWorld - How Buffy is influencing Islam