Friday 26 March 2004, by Anonymous :

this sucks!!! Joss Wheadon is ruining the perfect end!!! WE WANT BUFFY BACK!!!

Friday 26 March 2004, by Anonymous :

I can’t believe yet that Buffy (Sarah) won’t appear. Now i want more that Angel ends once for all!!!

Saturday 27 March 2004, by Buffyrokz :

No...! everybody was hoping for buffy to appear and they say this this is not fair!! **sobz**

Saturday 27 March 2004, by angelic :

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Why is Joss putting us through this? Buffy&Angel belong together!!Jeezzz, They started together and they must end together!!!!

Saturday 27 March 2004, by Little miss know-it-all :

I can c wot joss is sayin.Its betta to have the show focusin on Angel and the gang cos it is their show.Y should Sarah get all the attention wen it isnt her show?It is fair!Lets have more Angel!!!

Saturday 27 March 2004, by #1 Buffy Fan :

How could Joss say that? Buffy is THE character! I mean, yeah lets have Cordy back because she’s a whore! She’s such a skank! Sarah deserves to be in it! I mean, what will happen to her, Spike and Angel? Joss...I’m beginning to doubt your geniousity!

Sunday 28 March 2004, by What’s up w/ Joss :

I think this is bull. I mean first of all it’s okay to have Angel on the Buffy finale but it’s not okay to have her at the end of Angel. I don’t know what Miss-Know-It-All was talking about!!! I mean Angel and Buffy need to be together. What’s Joss gonna have Angel do, Oh I’m human now, better go find Buffy....No that doesn’t work, Joss needs to get it together I don’t know what his problem is. If I find a site I can write to him personally I’ll write him and complain about how he’s running things. I was bad enough when he had Buffy/Spike and Angel/Cordelia. What the heck is up with him lately????

Tuesday 30 March 2004, by Anonymous :

I think the idea of Angel having to face the end without Buffy being there is a good idea. It’s true that Buffy and Angel were seemingly perfect for each other, but just like in real life people slip away from each other. The situation is kind of like "the one that got away". People grow, change and move on. Besides, the last two episodes should be about everyone who effected Angel. The time constraint of a mere two episodes invoving Buff would feel too rushed. That is way too much to deal with. Spike, Angel and Buffy would have to work out their emotions in the span of about an hour and fourty minutes. If B&A or B&S did have some major reconciliation, would there really be enough time to savor it?

Sunday 4 April 2004, by jo :

all buffy and angel fans agree. no buff no ending not yet anyway.if you are going to end both our favorite shows[which for the actors reasons we understand] at least end it the way your devoted fans would like it with angel and buffy.8 years of watching week after week,and loving it,please consider us too.

Friday 9 April 2004, by zeezee :

now that is’s the end i am not really sure if i would want buffy with angel i know i always use to but i have definately grown on spike and buffy together anyways i still wish she would make an apearance on the finale

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