Tuesday 6 April 2004, by Anonymous :

I’m much happier being one of the 3 million people to watch Wonderfalls, instead of one of the 27 million idiots watching American Idol.

It just goes to show, 9 out of 10 people are friggin’ idiots! It’s too bad our nation’s TV shows are determined by the mindless majority of god damn morons!!!

Tuesday 6 April 2004, by Angela :

Will we ever get a new series thats iteresting to watch on TV again? I doubt it. I just can’t believe whats happening to TV shows. And they wonder why we are turning off!!! GGgrrr

Tuesday 6 April 2004, by Spikearette31 :

This is terrible, the show is very good and funny. I cant belive its getting canceled. Its so bad that these good shows are getting canceld for reality shows. Have you seen how people just continue to deteriorate on these shows, with no self-respect for themselves or fellow human beings. Its terrible, just plain terrible. Its like we are going backwards to the Roman times. Pretty soon you’ll see people getting dismembered on tv and all other shows will cease to exist. I’m disgusted!!!!

Tuesday 6 April 2004, by martheev :

Im a little confused by this article. After looking at Yahoo tv guide they have new episodes listed until at least April 15th.

Its always a possiblity that Yahoo is wrong or that the shows have decided not to be aired and Yahoo hasnt updated yet. But hey, we can hold out hope right?

No no, probably not. This IS the reality show obsessed networks were talking about here. I only watched the show once and liked it. I had last weeks episode taped but havent seen it yet. Guess id better hold onto that one episode since it might be the only ill have.

Tuesday 6 April 2004, by Daisie :

Yes, most people are ignorant sheep. They also prefer to watch mindless shows over programming that makes you think.

Wonderfalls was not my favorite, but I did watch it. It was a quality show. It’s too bad that it was one of those shows that had plotlines and it was better if you watched every week instead of just tuning in whenever.

I’m sick of mindless shows and mindless people!

Tuesday 6 April 2004, by Thurisaz :

I just knew FOX couldn’t go too long without cancelling something! Shame it wasn’t the up-coming, exploitation reality trip The Swan. The fact that they keep doing this is almost laughable if it weren’t the sad truth that we keep loosing quality shows because of dumbass suits who know nothing about what makes good television. When will they learn: either back something up until it hurts, or don’t even bother; just quit jerking us around!

With only four episode, I can safely say that I’ll miss what was one of the most unique and oddly charming shows I’ve ever seen. Here’s to hoping it does a Lazarus or arrives on DVD very soon.

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