Sunday 18 April 2004, by Mike : he inadvertently unleashed the season’s Big Bad: Fred as the leathery Illyria and her ’’army of doom.’’ Illyria is def. not the Big Bad...these guys have no idea what theyre talking about... Monday 19 April 2004, by Anonymous : I don’t understand how this writer can write something without actually reviewing the facts. It is widely known the Illyria is not the big bad for this season. As for the apocalyptic battles, the entire series is centered on an apocalypse and Angel being a champion whose fate is not known in THE apocalypse (you know, the one coming up in 5 episodes). This guy needs to do his homework.Monday 19 April 2004, by Anonymous : The main gripe I have with this reviewer is the fact that he said that the apocalytic stuff amounted to mumbo-jumbo. I would liken the show to "24" for reference. In the series, Jack Bauer is trying to stop something from happening in a 24-hour period. Without the "something", "24" would just be a show about a guy’s life during the span of a day. The Buffyverse without end-of-the-world stuff is pretty much like watching someone at work, doing what they have already done a million times before. I know there were some missteps (Connor and Cordelia together did not tickle my fancy), but all and all, I like this season the best. I would dare say that I like this better than "Buffy", although I am a littled biased: While I do like strong-willed female characters, sometimes the show came dangerously close (particularly toward the end) to we’re-better-than-men, combat-booted style feminism that somewhat disturbed me. That being said, there are still few equals to either show. These comments are an anwser to this article : Angel Season 5 - Review