Wednesday 21 April 2004, by Anonymous :

oh god poor james, hmm i wonder what he’ll look like without his hair?

Wednesday 21 April 2004, by Anonymous :

I am very impressed. We often forget that little babies can get Aids too. We love you James and God bless you!

Wednesday 21 April 2004, by SSpoiled :

NO! i mean...oy i’m torn, I think its mega sweet what he’s going to do but part of me is going noooooooooooo, i love his hair. oh god. ::sighs:: He’s such a sweetheart.

Wednesday 21 April 2004, by annika :

euhm NO, great that he thinks about the kids, but now I’m going to see James in concert without his beautiful hair...

Wednesday 21 April 2004, by JoBuffy :

a good cause but I can’t believe he’s doing it a few days before i see him live for the first time. Gutted!!

Thursday 22 April 2004, by Cordelia :

"That man will do anything to save a life."

Thursday 22 April 2004, by Niamh :

hi, can I just point out that there is no such thing as a british accent! Britain is a collection of countries James Masters does a fairly credible English accent London to be a little more precise. You seriously upset all the Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish people by grouping them all together. Thanks very much for letting me get this off my chest. By the way I have an Irish accent!!

Thursday 22 April 2004, by spuffy fan :

i think i love him more x

Thursday 22 April 2004, by Karin :

OMG I’m going to see him for the first time soon and he will have no hair! But...You guys are so right...It’s very sweet that he cares about people with aids..And his hair will grow back anyway. Maybe it will look just fine... I will always support him anyway, With whatever he wants to do!

Monday 26 April 2004, by Spikelover :

I checked the tv and web site for Seacrest and James is not listed to be on there. What’s going on????

These comments are an anwser to this article : Spike’s Manager About The Upcoming "Head Shaving"

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