Friday 23 April 2004, by clodia :

Not to quibble, but didn’t Spike turn a number of people during season 7 of Buffy, that is to say, after he gained a soul? I know that he was under the control of the First at that point, but would those whom he turned have felt the same as Lawson?

Friday 23 April 2004, by John from NC :

Spike didn’t turn anyone DA, he simply killed them.

To Daniel: You disliked some good episodes, "Conviction", "Hell Bound", and "The Cautionary Tale Of Numero Cinco".

Now I admit "Why We Fight" wasn’t very good, but it’d showed us more of what Angel was like before Buffy and had a bit of backstory of The Initiative. Also why would Lawson be paid much attention, he just wanted to die. It’s not like he was truly evil, he had no purpose and and no reason to go on. It was a great show.

Saturday 24 April 2004, by Wolverine68 :

Why didn’t Tim Minear give each character something to do? Hmm, did you ever hear of the words "alloted time?" Perhaps he did thimnk aobut htat, but it had to be taken out for time? We don’t know. I would have liked to see what lorne was doing, but him talking to movie stars cruscal to the plot, and on TV you have limits of what you can do.

Ont ot season 5.

Conviction-Good but basic. Mp>

Just Rewards-um, why wasn’t this Convicvtion part 2, or written be Joss?

Unleashed-OK, still basic plots here, big deal, it’;s the begining of the season. (Oh, and Fred is not the only female charactr, they added in Harmoney.)

Hellbound-A really good episode, where they dared to get egdy. Not the best work, but still the most enjoyable episode in a long time.

Life Of The Party-at this point the best episode of season 5 to me, but disapointed me with a lagging fight scene against evil Lorne, other then that has me laughing & loving it all night.

The Cautionary Tale Of Numero Cinco-Not boring, though it did seem stupid from the comercial (solely). I rather enjoyed this one, while the plot was not Angel’s best, it provided some nice fight scenes, that we have not scene for long while.

Lineage-This is the 1st step in the plot thickening, showing that this will definatly be an aboce average season. The disappointment is we never see these androids again on the show, or find out anything more (which is an even all to often in the Angel world).

Destiny-The start of the subtile season arch, and the best episode (so far). The high point is Angel & Spike fighting out their difference, for over an act of the show. The low point is no Darla, we know from season 2 that Darla prefers Angel to the master, and does not come calling to his becons.

Harm’s Way-The low point (ie worst episode) of the season, and yet still enjoyable. At this point Harmoney was not a cast character and this was not needed for her or wanted.

Soul Purpose-I feel this episosde should have came after Destiny, but oh well. This steals the title of best episode (so far). DB was a great director. I am glad they didn’t give him an all to easy job to direct like Harm’s Way (but he should have been directing sooner then this).

Damage-Another really good episode filled with good fight scenes as well. The end did disapoint me, as Angel could have had his army take down the slayers.

You’re Welcome-The best episode of the season (& I am not saying so far now), and hte only episode of Angel to bring a tear to my eye. It was so well written, so realistic, so tragic, & such a great fight scene on top of that. (Heck, this might be the best episode ever.)

Why We Fight-I liked it, but did not like falling back to mediocre episodes. Basically, it should have came before Destiny. (It falls as a mediocre or elt down to everyone, because all the other flashback eps were so so much better.)

Smile Time-A work of genious & comes close to being hte best episode. Not since Hercules was turned to a pig have I laguhed so much. Even as a puppet Amgel gave us 2 great fight scenes. (I do not think Wes & Fred were rushed together, they have waited years for this, duh!)

A Hole In The World-Good plot, not Whedon’s finest ever, but his best effort for the Angel series. I was glad to see him write more then one episode this year. (It’s been 3 years since he wrote more then one episode of Angel.)

Shells-I liked it, but only in an over all sense. I was (as most people I know) let down by the end. There was no shocking end to pull us in, just a video/flash back attempting to get us sad.

Underneath-One of the best episodes of the season, and an appearence by a cool monter into S&M. Great plot, and really good fight scene(s) at the top of act 3. The best work of Fain & Craft, I stand convinced that they are wirth of writting for Angel. (Souless may have been a good episode for them, but Steven S. DeKnight co-wrote it with them.)

Origin (& beyond)- a great closure to the Connor plot line, as I am sure the rest will be. The writters as great, and never let me down (ok once with that Jasmin plot, but I trust them now that).

This season was the best & most edgy since season 2. I could even feel this from the 1st few episode, and said "wow, I have not enjotyed Angel this much in years." Season 5 makes me glad I didn’t stop watching as Cordy slept with Connor & lame demons like Jasmin came on the show.

These comments are an anwser to this article : When Is A Door Not A Door? - Angel S5 Review

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