Friday 23 April 2004, by TrueBrit :

Well, I think that you’re misinterpreting the Passion failure over here (UK). It’s not because us Brit-types can’t stomach the violence (look at the success of Kill Bill for Chrissakes...) but rather that churches didn’t block-book cinemas over here, and there is no Bible Belt, unlike in the US. Religion with regards to the two countries is supremely different, and in the UK the views of Brits to Mel Gibson’s film is far less gullible and far less positive than in the States.

Saturday 24 April 2004, by Marky :

I agree with true brit. Mel Gibson is a total wanker.

Saturday 24 April 2004, by Anonymous :

i’m not a brit, but i have to agree that the author is missing the point. Europeans have a different view from americans when it cames to religion. The fact that the PASSION isn’t nš1, not only in UK but in several others countries, while sd2 apparentelly is doing very well, means, imo, that we prefer a cartoonish talking dog over a hollywood induced "religious experience". In a way, is more real! Besides, like it said in a review that i read "Gelllar is hot" *g*

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