Saturday 8 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Oh kewl! I just hope BBCAmerica will run it so I can actually see it.

Sunday 9 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Noooooooo.....i hope this dont would be stupid....and its not only because i despise Blue but it would just be stupid.

Sunday 9 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Hey, it’s NOT based on the Buffyverse, it’s a crummy laughtrack sitcom about vampires. Simon rather arrogantly said, ’They’re calling it the British answer to Buffy’, which is just laughable.

Sunday 9 May 2004, by krapnek :

I just hope he isn’t allowed to sing, ’cause face it; Blue sucks.

Sunday 9 May 2004, by Anonymous :

Oh dear... i’m not quite sure you innocent peeps dig quite how excruciatingly lame a Buffy spinoff written by such an obvious literary brainiac would be? Or does everyone but me idolise boy bands....

Sunday 9 May 2004, by Sophi :

Oh. Dear.

Save us.

Tuesday 11 May 2004, by Maria :

If it’s not buffy... it’s not worth it!!!!

Friday 14 May 2004, by Anonymous :

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Simon, Duncan oi!

I love this all ready. Hm.. though I don’t know if it’ll be any good without Sarah and such.

Would be sooooooooooo cool to see it though!

Blue!!!!!!! Love Blue! ;) They’re wicked ladz! :)

Saturday 15 May 2004, by Anonymous :

This is Ridiculous, leave Buffy and Angel the way they are...........anything that Joss doesnt write is all british version........please i have watched the BBC and its VERY!!!!! Boring.....................

so dont even bother nancy boy..........please dont allow this git to ruin this

Saturday 19 November 2005, by Anonymous :

NO! that is so stupid! having this guy write a spin-off for Buffy is like having some fan that only watched 2 episodes, write it. lame!! Buffy is nothing without stars Sarah Michelle Gellar, and David Boreanaz. So no more spin-offs, unless they are written by Joss. Ugh..this just makes me mad. Stupid rich people thinking that they can take over other’s ideas. I dont think so!

Sunday 26 February 2006, by bafilly :

OK this is rediculous- they called "Hex" the British answer to Buffy- it wasn’t and nor is this. But at least Hex was pretty good- I’m quite sure that even if this show is about vampires, it will have nothing to do with Ripper or Joss Whedon and therefore have no connection towards Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I for one know that (and I speak for the people of Britain here) we would not want to be labelled as the country who ruined the good name of Buffy lol.

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