Sunday 9 May 2004, by :

hey isnt dawn a magical creature so why is she there during her parents divorce

Monday 10 May 2004, by drudelia :

that’s awesome = ) i read a couple of the buffy novels. they’re decent.

and if the story is written from buffy’s POV, then dawn would be there cause that would be how she remembers it. otherwise, i have no idea why she’s there...

Monday 10 May 2004, by Jennifer :

"hey isnt dawn a magical creature so why is she there during her parents divorce"

*rolls eyes*

Dawn isn’t "a magical creature", she’s HUMAN. She was made out of The Key’s energy and The Slayer, but she’s still human. The monks gave everybody memories - which they all referred to as "false memories", but we don’t KNOW that they’re false. We’ve seen that the Powers That Be can turn back time, in Angel season one, so it’s not all that unlikely that the monks (since they WERE powerful enough to create a human) could turn back time, or just alter the timeline enough to have added Dawn to it.

Since Dawn was added to Buffy in season five, we now don’t really know what happened in the first four seasons - we can assume that most of the major plot points happened, but we don’t know the details (like whether Angelus threatened Dawn, whether she liked Angel, how it affected Buffy’s slaying (since she’d have to babysit) etc.)

I think it’s great that they’ve remembered Dawn in this graphic novel and aren’t just leaving her out. It’ll be great to see their take on a younger Dawn’s personality.

Monday 17 May 2004, by Simon :

Jennifer, I do wonder sometimes how these people find Buffy(/Angel) dedication websites, and have only been watching it since the 4th last episode. Jamie: Jennifer nailed that. It makes sense that, since the book is being released after the final episode of Buffy, that they would give us more information on the monk-created mystery of Dawns past.

These comments are an anwser to this article : A Stake To The Heart - Details of new Buffy graphic novel

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