Friday 14 May 2004, by Save_Wonderfalls. :

Your stupid. Your the kind of person that made wonderfalls get cancelled in the first place. It was BRILLANT! Maybe if your thick skull couldn’t get all of the wit and humor, you should have the mucus membrane removed from your year long cum-skull infestation.

Save wonderfalls.

Friday 14 May 2004, by Sarah :

Everyone has a right to an opinion unless we are now a communist country. One person’s viewpoint doesn’t cancel a show. Get over it and try not to let one little article get you so emotional.

Friday 14 May 2004, by Anonymous :

I AGREE with what the writer was trying to say, he just has a bug up his ass for some reason, its the problem with all joss or tim shows, yeah the dialogue is great but when uv got a less than able cast to deliver the lines u are stuck. this was fireflys problem. the dialog didnt fit the characters at all and the comedy bfelt at times out of place.

Friday 14 May 2004, by Djungelurban :

I saw that someone said that the cast of Firefly didn’t fit the characters. That person gotta be braindead. The cast of Firefly is the best suited and best adapted cast EVER to their characters, regardless what you compare it to. Yes, I am too first and foremost a Buffy and Angel fan, but I can’t close eyes eyes for the undisputable, the cast of Firefly was better adapted.

Also, Wonderfalls was a great show. Don’t even try say anything else.

Saturday 15 May 2004, by Jeannie36107 :

I adore Buffy/Angel/Firefly and was equally prepared to adore Wonderfalls, but I also could not seem to like the show that much. I am only replying because I read some of the other replies and cannot for the life of me figure out why your parents taught you people that it was ok to be nasty & abusive to someone who is simply expressing an opinion(while stating that you don’t have to share it). I have read other opinions trashing Buffy/Angel/Firefly. And while I gave blood for Angel & cheered for 2 days when I heard they were making Firefly into a movie, it never once crossed my mind to reply to the critics with abuse, name-calling and all-around pettiness. I want people to think that fans of these shows are like me - thoughful, inteligent, compassionate and POLITE. You are making me as a fan of the Whedon/Minear Universe look bad and I don’t really appreciate it.

These comments are an anwser to this article : Tim Minear and Wonderfalls heavily criticised

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