Friday 14 May 2004, by Anonymous :

why do they have to stalk them like that? why can’t they just leave her alone?

Friday 14 May 2004, by krapnek :

If the price of fame is having to put on a hat like that to avoid paparazzis I can’t understand why anyone would want to be a celebrity... ;)

Friday 14 May 2004, by Anonymous :

It’s me or she has something on the nose?and she looks tired.I hope that all is OK for her...

Friday 14 May 2004, by Anonymous :

she looks so hot with the hat yeahh..she so beautiful.. stupid paparazzis

Saturday 15 May 2004, by Neal :

She looks beautiful, tired but beautiful. At least her dud hubby isn’t in the photo. Sorry not a FPJ fan. Our girl could do so much better. I still wish her all the best. She deserves it.

Sunday 16 May 2004, by Anonymous :

If you saw this part of Celebrities Uncensored you would know that Sarah did actually speak to the fan. Although it was brief, at least she recognized her.

Sunday 16 May 2004, by Mozza :

whats wrong with her nose?? And i dont liek it when celebs blow off their fans. its rude, thats the rpice of fame, u want fame? u get fans thats the way it is. Without her fans what would she be?

Sunday 16 May 2004, by Anonymous :

i think she doesn’t looks like a fan wanting a autograph...anyway i’m pretty sure if she is SMG give her later...she’s nice

Sunday 16 May 2004, by coolassang :

I, for one, don’t feel the least bit sorry for SMG or any other celeb where the paparazzi is concerned. They all supposedly bust their ass to make it in Hollywood only to get famous and make millions of dollars and then turn their backs on what got them there.

Maybe if they spent more time offering pictures and autographs and things with fans & media instead of avoiding it at all costs, it wouldn’t be such a craze to know about their lives. They make way too much money off of all of us, but would absolutely run the other way if we got anywhere near them.

These celebs today supposedly strive to be famous and all of the sudden turn so "private" and "shy" when they are! Of course, there will always be some people in any group that pushes things too far, so there will be negative incidents with these photo-hounds, but still, if you saturate a market with something, then the demand usually decreases! If you don’t put enough out there, people will kill for it; i.e. Wal-Mart early morning Christmas sales! Business 101 there... they bring it on themselves and use it to their advantage as often as they can.

Here’s me crying for SMG and her millions of dollars to ignore people during her hour of public display at the airport... whah!

Sunday 16 May 2004, by Anonymous :

the paparazzi are A$$HOLES and stalk these people, get mad & talk sh!t when the celebrities don’t let them have a good pic of them. how would you like if that happened to YOU every day of your life? walk a mile in their shoes and then see how you feel.

Sunday 16 May 2004, by Rudy :

I, too, saw this episode of Celebrities Uncensored and Sarah didn’t blow off anyone. She did talk to the fan. If you didn’t see it keep your mouth shut. and for your information she does do interviews and sign autographs. I know it for a fact. She signed one for me and she was very sweet about it.

Monday 17 May 2004, by Kelis :

I heard that her husband freddie had an affair with an other woman and there are photos which could prove it.Is it true?

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